

What the bluum

Empowered brands

Remember, your mother told you there was no one like you? We’re here to let you know that if you do it right, it should be the same for your business. You simply need a framework to see it and articulate it consistently.

You become a brand when you step fully into your identity and uniqueness and work with a solid strategy. Ideally, this should be developed by someone close enough to understand your vision and objective enough not to be blindsided by emotion.

Who are bluum?

Joined by a love of sweet corn fritters at Ziggy Green, we are straight-talking storytellers on a mission to create and empower brands. We got where we are in life by owning our uniqueness and want to infect you with the same self-belief.

Hola, bonjour, namaste …



Naima is a well-published author. She believes that a mix of story, psychology and strategy can create brands and ideas which become imprinted in the minds of customers. She heads the creative direction at bluum.


Poetry, pizza and all-nighters with old friends

Can’t stand:

Long meetings and complicated things in general

Core Team
Core Team


Neha brings her considerable experience with marketing to bluum and also handles relationships with clients and stakeholders. Her strength is staying calm under pressure. A supporter of the Indian cricket team, she loves vegetarian cooking and dreams of owning her own restaurant one day.


Long walks and vegetarian cooking

Can’t stand:

Fad diets and wrong use of apostrophes




Steph is a lover of all things related to Music. In addition to her role as a Marketing Assistant at bluum, she is a songwriter and music producer with experience promoting and releasing her own music to streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music as an independent musician.


Singing, playing guitar, and sushi

Can’t stand:

Small talk, extremely hot or extremely cold weather, and slow internet
Core Team
Core Team


Sarah has a varied background in marketing, branding and copywriting. At bluum, she harnesses her mix of blended strengths to create strong, standout brands. She loves travel, different cultures and languages, all of which sharpen her strategy skills by inviting new perspectives and ways of thinking.


Dancing, animals, and travel

Can’t stand:

Rudeness and poor phone signal


Core Team


Ralitsa assists with marketing and research functions at present. A knockout learner, she is steadily adding new skills to her cap as we grow. She has a background in journalism and a passion for wildlife. We understand our connection with the journalism part all right…


Ralitsa is a well-published author. She believes that a mix of story, psychology and strategy.


Ralitsa is a well-published author. She believes that a mix of story, psychology and strategy.


To each their awesome

Do you believe that everyone should do what they’re good at? We certainly do. That’s why we keep to our lane of strategy and word-slinging and let our collaborators do what they are awesome at.

We collaborate with a proudly international network of designers and web developers with different specialisms and areas of interest.

Walking the talk

Some things we’ve built

Our love for storytelling extends beyond bluum. In our parallel lives and careers, our team have (and continue to) put out some stories in the world. Have a look. We’re quite proud of these.

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