And a playbook for how your brand looks, sounds, and behaves so anyone writing or designing for you can crawl under your skin and look and sound exactly like you.
Lab coats on. We do a diagnostic session to understand what you want to be, what’s working for you right now, what’s not. You tell us about your vision, mission and your target audience.
Based on the look you finalize, we build out your brand, and how it will look, sound and feel. Are you a beauty brand selling clean beauty products to a Gen-Z audience? We need a vocabulary that positions you as an ally, speaking in the language of their values and worldview. Are you a cooling bracelet for hot flashes serving women in their 60s? A sober, feminine look and tone to instantly connect with your target audience.
Launch can be as stressful as it is exciting. As much as we believe in ourselves, we are mere mortals, after all. We don’t have a magic wand to gift you a dream launch. We can, however, promise, that you won’t be scrambling last-minute like a headless chicken looking for the right documents. Our launch package streamlines everything you could possibly need for a launch by way of internal and external documents. Get off on the right foot and make the right first impression.
And the second, and the third…